viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

My favorite country

I could travel to Italy because I want know the river Venecia. I could me ride  to Gondola with my boysfriend... is very Romantic =).

also I want Know more countries of Europe, like Spain  and his Islas Canarias, know the Santiago Bernabéu stadium, I will travel in the train of high-speed train, I want to go to Galicia, ufff!!!! I Want know very plases!!
Other country that I Want Know is the France, the lenguaje is beatiful, i want know the Arc de Triomphe, Tour Eiffel, and eat a lot pasta, deliccius =).
For to finish, i want to travel to Suize, to the house of my cousin, she say that the chocolates are wonderful, and I believe it because one day I tried one,and I never tasted a better chocolate that.

but now is late, and I want sleep, for I have the energy for to job in my dreams =).

good night.

Goodbye, Au revoir, chao, Arrivedece!!!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Rode! we visit the same place! We could go together .... lol

  2. Interesting places Ms. Rode, but I'm still waiting for the last post.. I supposed you didn't go for your " best Holidays" to Europe o so?.. Cheers!
