to day I talk about of how green I am. Really this vision in my is new, but, last I didn't worry of this, but a few time for medical razons, I has that think this.
to day I talk about of how green I am. Really this vision in my is new, but, last I didn't worry of this, but a few time for medical razons, I has that think this.
Now, I
walk seeing the more healthy for my body, I have that decrease the saturated
fat in my food, to increase the fruit and vegetable, I began to go the gym, and
I prefer go up stairs before go up across elevator.
In my house still there aren't this ecological conscience that everybody need now, of urgent form.
Generally speaking, in the world few people have a ecological conscience, that
is why the world day to day is more dirty and mess, the big industry don't
thinks in the water of the world, the natural reserves, multiple types of animal, even in ourselves.
In the
rock music world, we can find bands that committed with the enviroment, a band
is Pearl Jam, that donated part of the proceeds from de tour for the
preservation of tropical forest of magadascar, Africa, in 2006

Other band
is Linkin Park, provided assistance to victim of natural disasters like the
Indonasia of tsunami and Katrina

a third band is coldplay, they to planted 10.000 trees in the India in 2002 for contribute to decrease ecological footprint.(my favorite <3)

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